
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

PEEL Paragraphs #2

Write a PEEL paragraph responding to this statement

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS.

You must:

Decide on your umbrella Point
Give at least 3 Explain reasons, each with an specific Example
Finish with a Linking sentence back to your P statement.
Use sequencing words for your reasons

Rimu is the best syndicate at TIS because they work as a team. Firstly, they cheer the team on and they celebrate when a teammate does a good job. However when a teammate fails they say "Nice try," and get them back to their feet. Secondly, they shout their chant together to spread their success and to grab students into their house. They do this by, walking into other houses or they stand in assembly and they shout their voices out. Thirdly, they work academically together to reach the success criteria. They do this by, sharing ideas and discussing whether it is right or wrong and going through the instructions so they would understand together. Also when someones lost in their work they work with the student to get them on track. Therefore that is why Rimu is the best syndicate in TIS.

Monday, 22 September 2014

PEEL Paragraphs

Mr Diver is a successful principal because he is confident. Firstly he talks to his students and gets them involved in academic activities. He grabs random groups of students and test them on their general knowledge. Secondly he communicates with parents. He does this by grabbing parents on special events to congratulate of the child's success. Thirdly he makes up speeches on the spot. He does this to inform us on what is going to happen and what is happening. Finally He collaborates with the teachers to see how the students are doing and to test them on their subjects. Therefore Mr Diver is a successful confident principal.

Elections Finnished!

What percentage of the vote did each party win?
National : 48.06%
Labour   : 24.69%
Green     : 10.02%
NZ First : 8.85 %
Maori     : 1.29 %
ACT       : 0.69%

How will parliament look? (How many seats will each party have?)
You will see a big group of National with another big group of Labour beside them and then green would have some of the seats and then little seats for some parties scattered around the place.

Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon Bridges : National.

Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
2nd Clayton Mitchell
3rd Rachel Jones Labour

Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from?
Todd Muller (National)

What regional seat does the Prime Minister hold?
Helensville (National)

How many people voted?
Just over 2.4 million people voted.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Election Day Rules


Election day rules
When is election day?
Saturday 20th September.

What hours can you vote on election day?
Between 9:00am - 7:00pm

What date does this year’s election officially end?
Saturday 4th October (2 weeks)

Why does it there a gap between election day and when the election ends?
Because they have to collect the data and calculate how many seats people get plus the place where you vote needs to travel to parliament.

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.

Hoardings - Not allow to display any Hoardings on election day, should be taken down the day before.

Sign-written vehicles - Not allowed to display election advertising on the day, that cover up vehicles objects etc.

Fixed signage on party headquarters and MP’s electorate offices - You can leave your sign up.

Delivery of election material prohibited - No letters in mailbox on election day.

Websites and social media - You can keep what you have got but it must be published before the election day.

Processions and demonstrations - You are not allowed to change peoples mind by influencing people using a loud hailer.

Streamers, rosettes, ribbons etc - It can be in the party colours but it must not have the party name or a logo.

Clothing promoting the party or candidate - No tshirts that have it but you can have the party colour.

Imitation ballot papers - Can't hand out cards that look like a ballot card.

Assistance to get to a voting place - You can do it but you can't talk about parties or leaders

At the voting place - No MPs in the voting place doing nothing but, they can stay in if they are voting.

Campaigning around advance voting places - You are not allowed to campaign on the day.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

BOP electorates and Tauranga electorates

Find a map which shows the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate?

Tauranga electorate map:                                      BOP electorate map:


Which electorate do you live within?
BOP electorate.

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate. 

The BOP electorate candidates are Todd Muller (National) and Clare Wilson (Labour).

The Tauranga electorate candidates are Rachel Jones (Labour),Simon Bridges (National) and
Ian McLean (Green).

Which candidate would you vote for and why?
I would vote for Todd Muller because I think I will do well keeping the farms clean and that the cows are healthy plus other animals.

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?
It has gone for ages! Started in 1881.

Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?
The history of the Tauranga MP was mainly National.

When was the last election?
It was in 2011.

When was Winston Peters the MP for Tauranga?

What does an MPs job entail?
To do a job for the government and to look after their region.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

MPP System in NZ

The MPP system is fairer than the FPP because each of the parties that have over 5% of votes, get a seat in parliament. You can also get in parliament if you get a MP seat. In the New Zealand MPP system you get 2 votes, one of them you get to choose the party you want and the other vote goes to the MP of the town that you are in. There are 120 seats in the New Zealand Parliament and if a party gets 30% of votes they get 30% of 120 seats in parliament.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The civilian party and making own party.

Investigate The Civilian Party. What are some of their policies?
-Establish a space program, and become the first nation in Australasia to send a man to the moon; not to explore it, just someone we don’t like.
-Make Wellington airport safer by moving it to Christchurch.
-Ice cream.
-Bring ultra-fast broadband access to the majority of rural New Zealand by 2016 and dial-up to Invercargill by 2017.

You want to set up a political party in this coming election. How do you do that?
-You need an acceptable party name.
-There needs to be 500 eligible Members.
-A secretary or a sitting MP who is a financial member of the party to make the application.
-An Auditor.
-Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the involvement of members in the process.
-A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
- $500 application fee.
-Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.

Name your party.
The Futuristic Academic Living in New Zealand Party.

Create a policy for
HEALTH - All ambulances will be free and will make sure that kids have a monthly check up.
EDUCATION - Reward the students at the end of a semester or term.
DEFENCE - Build high-tech (Force fields) walls around our country and make mechanical doors to let ships and planes in (eg. like the hunger games)
BUSINESS - Will give 5% more money to workers so they can buy a house.
ELDERLY - Will make all the rest homes 50% cheaper and if they don't want to be in a resthome houses will be 80% off.
ENVIRONMENT - Make a machine that is environment friendly with a click of a button turns the whole Nation into a future istic look and will fix all the rivers and beautiful landscapes so everything is perfect and lots of land for animals and bring animals back to life like a mammoth .

Free internet (Fast) No cost.
Make the Nation made of technological glass.
Shops will be 50% cheaper.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Comparing Electoral Systems

Create a Venn diagram comparing the NZ electoral system of government with the electoral system of government of another country.

Friday, 12 September 2014

For each of the following political parties
Your own choice of party


1 policy you think is a good policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a good policy.
Deliver future-focused learning by connecting all schools to the managed network of New Zealand schools by the end of 2016. This is a good policy because we would have fast internet with no slowdowns we have Internet that sleeps and wakes again.

1 policy you think is a bad policy. Copy and paste the policy. Say why you think it is a bad policy.
Invest in the future of Christchurch education with the $1.137 billion education renewal open a new Year 1-13 school in Christchurch East by 2017. This is a bad policy for Christchurch because it would be hard for the little kids to survive there plus it would effect the children going through puberty.

1 policy which will affect YOU directly. Copy and paste the policy. Say how this policy will affect you.
Put in place a programme that provides an affordable option, available to all schools, for Year 5-13 students to have access to a portable digital device, in the classroom and at home. This will affect me because if they get elected, each one of us will get a digital device and they might use it to track us maybe.

Find 3 political words or phrases which you don’t know the meaning of. Copy down the sentence and underline the word.
e.g. Review the implementation of the operations grant with a view to increasing it to address equity challenges and outside of school factors that impact on student achievement.

Use any further fiscal headroom to get debt to 20 per cent of GDP debt earlier than 2020.
Clarify the meaning of the word or phrase in this sentence and the meaning of the whole sentence.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Time zones

Answer these questions.

What is a time zone? 
A time zone is when you have different times in different places.
Why do we have time zones?
 We have time zones because we need to know what time it is in our place.
How are the time zones set? 
The time zones are set 15ยบ from the meridian of the country.
Which direction does the Earth rotate? (clockwise or anticlockwise)
The earth turns anticlockwise.
How many time zones are there altogether? 
There are 24 time zones
What are the time zones named? 
Pacific standard time, East Timor Timor, West Greenland Time.
Which time zone is New Zealand part of?
New Zealand Standard time / New Zealand Daylight time UTC +12 / GMT +12
Name 2 other countries which are also in our time zone.
Kermadec Island, Fiji.
What is the international date line and why do we have it?
We have an international date line to seperate days because one side is facing the sun and the other side is not.

Embed a helpful Youtube video you have found

Monday, 8 September 2014


Create dialogue for this image. Include taglines. 

"Can you check my tongue again doctor," I crowed.
"Uh why do I have to do it?" he complained.
"Because you are the doctor!" he explained, "You are supposed to fix things and check if everything's alright!"
"Uh fine open wide," he dribbled.
The patient chameleon spat his long tongue out and it was almost touching the ground.
"Well there is definitely something wrong with that," the doctor said.
"What's wrong doctor?" the patient said.
"Well there seems to be some bumps on your tongue." the doctor informed.
"Oh dear!" The patient shouted as he slowly rolled his tongue back in.
"There is a way to fix it though!" he shouted.
"What do I have to do doctor?" he questioned.
"Well you would have to lick a mouldy branch like this for an hour," he answered.
"Ok I'll do that," he said, "Actually I have a branch like this at my house."
"That's good, so you go home and heal your tongue and call me if anything goes wrong."
"Ok doctor see you soon!" he shouted as he left the branch.
Then the doctor said to himself,"Lol, I am actually not a doctor, but I wonder if it actually gets better?"
The next week I see my patent with a mouldy tongue.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Losing my passport (fun story)

I have been in New Zealand for nearly a day now. I came here because it was much quieter and they had good schools here. I came here with my dad and mum and we live in a flash shack by the beach. When we got to our new house my passport got missing within my luggage and I still can't find it this very day. If I lost my passport that means I can't visit my family in England at the end of this year so it means so much to me that I find my passport! I know that it isn't at the airport because I was carrying my passport in my hand, so the only place it would be in is in the house. I looked in my room, my mom's room, the closet, the lounge but I still could not find it! I thought that maybe it was at the airport so I took a walk to the airport because it was only a 30 min walk and plus I didn't want to tell my parents, so I walked down and once I reached the airport and I could hear footsteps behind me. I keep walking and walking for a few mins and someone is still following me but, I quickly turn just looking at the corner of my eye and I saw a man in a business suit hiding a meter away behind me. So I quickly ran for my life and I could hear them running too I was running hard out it felt like I was going to get a stitch so I start to slow down but he started to catch up but... I stopped and turned around (which I shouldn't of done) and the business man came up to me and then said "excuse me lady why were you running away from me seriously well any way heres your passport, your name is Jane right." I nodded. "Good ok hopefully I will see you next time," he screamed with a skip in his step and there it is in my hand my passport.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Bullet Point as many of the important ideas and facts we learned at Dangerous Decibels as you possibly can.

  1. You Measure sound by decibels
  2. Hearing goes up to the brain
  3. Past your ear drum are some hairs that make you hear.
  4. Safe is 85 decibels
  5. try move from earphones to headphones.
  6. Hearing is vibrations
  7. If it gets too loud ,the hairs inside your ears will go flat.
  8. don't poke anything into your ear
  9. your eardrum is like a tissue
  10. If you go to a firework show or a heavy metal concert, hearing problems will occur in 1 sec unless if you have protection.
  11. If you are doing a piano practise it is around 85 decibels.
  12. Anything over 120 decibels can lead to instant hearing loss.
  13. If there is buzzing or weird voices you can hear, it can probably lead to hearing loss.
  14. The ear wax inside your ear is a natural cleaner.
  15. If you block your ears and talk to someone and they talk back and you hear funny noises you can feel how it's like to have hearing loss.
  16. Try to wear ear plugs in the water because your eardrum is a tissue and some peoples ears the water won't come out so try wear protection.
  17. If you want your ears cleaned you can ask an ear doctor.
  18. If you have to shout to someone close to you the environment is too loud.
  19. Piano practise will never lead to hearing loss.
  20. Listening to music at full volume can lead to hearing loss.