
Monday, 17 November 2014

Life Ed Summary

Write a full summary of Life Ed: From the Shadows.
This should be at least ¾ of a page. 
Use subheadings.

Remember to include some of Michael’s awesome stories about actual people affected by drugs.

Drugs through puberty:
Teenagers have a high risk of taking drugs in teen hood but more risky if they take it going through puberty because you are climbing the 7 rungs of the ladder. The 7 rungs of the ladder means the seven years through puberty the bottom meaning childhood and the top meaning adulthood. When you take drugs then it will effect your body and will change your short term memory and your future thinking which will change the way you look or do in the future.

There are different types of drugs that we learnt in Life Ed but most of the drugs we learnt of were illegal drugs. Illegal drugs are placed into classes Class C being dangerous but not as dangerous. Class B being 2nd dangerous class and Class A being the most dangerous and effective class. Class A is very dangerous, thats why the police fines you a lot of money and/or a lot of time in prison to keep you safe. Most of Michael's stories he told us, most of the people were 13 and started having marijuana and then from that drug they went onto many other drugs.

There are the three most likely drinks of alcohol that they sell everywhere. Beer, Wine and Spirits. Beer has the least amount of alcohol in it, Wine has the average amount of alcohol in it and Spirit has a lot of alcohol in it thats why at bars they put it in small glasses. There is a certain amount that Spirits, Wine and Beer should be poured into the glass to remove the alcohol from your body. Spirits should be poured into small glasses. Wine should be able to fit 3/4 of a wine glass and Beer should be able to fit the top of a tall glass. If you pour it to the right amount, the alcohol should disappear from your body less than 1 hour.


What effects the brain.

M emory
R easoning

J udgement
M echanical Skills

I ntelect
C oncentration
E motions

Why teenagers are more affected to drugs than adults.

F aster
A sorption
R ate

To get out of a bad situation.

R eason
E xuse
A ssertive
C hange the subject
H umour

W alk away
I gnore
T ell someone or toughen up.
S ay no!

Problems with information:
- irrelevant
- false
- wrong
- incomplete
- too difficult
- biased

To make a wise choice.

D elay
T he
D ecision.

Human Memory:
Long term.
Short term.
Todays thinking.
Future thinking.

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